Military jokes Jokes Funny Military jokes Jokes

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There are 99 Military jokes Jokes in this category.

While practicing autorotations during a military night from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
While practicing autorotations during a military night training exercise a Huey Cobra screwed up the landing and landed on the tail rotor. The landing was so hard that it broke off the tail boom. However, the chopper fortunately remained upright on its skids, sliding down the runway doing 360s. As the Cobra slid past the tower, trailing a brilliant shower of sparks, this was the radio exchange that took place... Tower: "Sir, do you need any assistance?" Cobra: "I don't know Tower, we ain't done crashin' yet."

Following some duty overseas the officers at from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Following some duty overseas, the officers at the Fort were planning a welcome home party and dance for the unit. Being an all male combat force, they decided to request coeds from some of the surrounding colleges to attend. The Captain called Vassar and was assured by the Dean that arrangements could be made to send over a dozen of their most trustworthy students. The Captain hesitated, then said, "Would it also be possible to send a dozen or so of the other kind?"

During camouflage training in Louisiana a private from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
During camouflage training in Louisiana, a private disguised as a tree trunk had made a sudden move that was spotted by a visiting general. "You simpleton!" the officer barked. "Don't you know that by jumping and yelling the way you did, you could have endangered the lives of the entire company?" "Yes sir," the solder answered apologetically. "But, if I may say so, I did stand still when a flock of pigeons used me for target practice. And I never moved a muscle when a large dog peed on my lower branches. But When two squirrels ran up my pants leg and I heard the bigger say, "Let's eat one now and save the other until winter' --- that did it."

Who likes music asks a commander Two from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
- Who likes music? - asks a commander. - Two soldiers step forward. - All right. I bought a piano. Take it to my apartment on the fourth floor.

The theatrical manager exclaimed Your last role from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
The theatrical manager exclaimed: "Your last role was magnificent, Mr. Brown. You enacted so well that officer wounded on the battlefield. Your suffering looked very much like real." "It was. I've got a large nail in my shoe." "Well," said the manager, "for heaven's sake leave it in until the end of the run of the play."

Recruits were shocked at the language the from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Recruits were shocked at the language the sergeant used in their unit. During a smoke break one young soldier asked: "Sergeant, where did you le-arn your language?" "Learnit, hell, it's a gift," proudly informed the NCO.

Two paratrooper recruits in a plane Are from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Two paratrooper recruits in a plane: - Are you crazy, Vasily? You are going to jump without a parachute. - Is it mandatory to wear it? - Sure. It's raining outside.

Q How is Saddam like Fred Flintstone from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: How is Saddam like Fred Flintstone ? A: Both may look out their windows and see Rubble.

Q Whats the difference between Aeroflot and from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: What's the difference between Aeroflot and the Scud Missile ? A: Aeroflot has killed more people.

Q What is Iraqs national bird A from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: What is Iraq's national bird ? A: Duck

Q Did you hear that it is from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: Did you hear that it is twice as easy to train Iraqi fighter pilots? A: You only have to teach them to take off.

Q How many members of the coalition from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: "How many members of the coalition does it take to screw in a light bulb?" A: "We are not prepared to comment on specific numbers at this time."

Q What is the best Iraqi job from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: What is the best Iraqi job ? A: Foreign Ambassador

Q What do Saddam Hussein and General from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common ? A: They both want to know where the hell those Tomahawks are coming from !

Q What does Saddam want for Thanksgiving from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q: What does Saddam want for Thanksgiving ? A: Turkey.

Q What do Baghdad and Hiroshima have from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Q. What do Baghdad and Hiroshima have in common ? A. Nothing, yet.

Airmen had to launch two E AWACS from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Airmen had to launch two E-3 AWACS from a National Guard base after a heavey snow strom. Well after a 5 hour delay waiting for the snow to be plowed of, they were able to take-off. The planes taxied off and stoped a hundred yards to the flight line. The civilians had forgot to finish the rest of the taxi way.

Sargeant Williams was the newest drill instructor from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Sargeant Williams was the newest drill instructor at AOCS, Aviation Officer Candidate School and as such was always trying to impress his company commander and the other officers in the Command. Daily he was seen jumping all over his officer candidates and yelling at them as he supposedly developed them into future Naval Officers. We were lined up behind his company awaiting our turn to go into the mess hall for lunch. We all listened as Sargeant Williams yelled at his company, " you will eat in a military fashion, enjoy this delicious meal and fall by in formation at 1215, do you worms understand me?" "Yes drill sargeant." "There are only three rules in this galley, shut up, eat up and get up, do you pukes understand me?" "Yes drill sargeant." "Then proceed. Company forward march." When they got inside, they were surprised to see several Miss Florida contestants getting a tour of the mess hall. Not one to let an opportunity slip by the drill sargeant yelled at the top of his lungs, " bravo company what is the first rule of the mess hall?" To his chagrin, his company all yelled out in unison, "shut up drill sargeant!"

Soldier Ivanov was ordered to peel a from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Soldier Ivanov was ordered to peel a barrel of potatos. - In this day and age, the army should have a machine to peel potatos, complains Ivanov. - Absolutely, answered the sergeant. And you are its latest model.

Colin Powell once USAs highest ranking military from Flashcomment Military jokes Jokes
Colin Powell, once USA's highest ranking military officer, (now Secretary of State), loves to relate this incident from his Vietnam days. It shows the importance of clear objectives. Finding an outpost at a very vulnerable spot, Powell decided to investigate why it was location was chosen. He was assured that it was a very important outpost. "What's it's mission?" " To protect the airfield!" "What's the airfield here for?" "To resupply the outpost!"

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